Demolished Every Second - 2014 | 4'25 | 16MM ON DV | COLOR | SOUND

This short work utilizes imprints found on Soviet-era film leader culled from dozens of films viewed while John was co-teaching with Mark Boswell for the project “Re-imagining The New Man” at Dushanbe Art Ground in Tajikistan, 2014. The material was largely 1980’s-era educational and propaganda films that contained a broad range of content, but had only subtle variations on more or less the same leader. Foregrounding the often ignored hand-written or machine printed artifacts found on leader, the imprints are the primary source material for a psychotronic audio/visual salvo. Editing & music by John Davis.

SCREENINGS - Altered States, East Sussex, UK | Festival Images Contre Nature, Marseille, France | Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI | San Francisco Cinematheque Crossroads Festival, San Francisco, CA | Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, Hawick, Scotland | Festival of [In]Appropriation, Los Angeles, CA | We Have Never Been More Normal, Dope Chapel, Norman, OK | Other Cinema's New Experimental Works, ATA, San Francisco, CA | Antimatter Media Art Festival, Victoria, BC, Canada | Dushanbe Art Ground, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.



The Dreaming Skull


Frequency Mass